TORONTO, ON (September 29, 2021) – ACTRA’s 27,000 members working across Canada’s film, television and digital media industry stand in solidarity with IATSE in their fight for a fair deal in the United States with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP).

“IATSE members deserve better working conditions,” says ACTRA National President Eleanor Noble. “At stake are long workdays, adequate rest periods, and fair wages for all workers across the industry. These are basic quality of life issues that impact all of us. All performers rely on the talented crews working behind the scenes and we support each other in our efforts to achieve respect on set.”

ACTRA will continue to monitor the situation and will work with IATSE on any impacts to Canadian production. We will update our members with new information as it becomes available.

We stand in solidarity with IATSE.

About ACTRA:
ACTRA (Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists) is the national union of professional performers working in English-language recorded media in Canada. ACTRA represents the interests of over 27,000 members across the country – the foundation of Canada’s highly acclaimed professional performing community.


Media Contact:
Carol Taverner, Public Relations Officer, ACTRA National, Tel: 416-644-1519, E-mail: